During the month of March, the escalating Covid-19 outbreak forced most countries around the world to switch from the restrictive travel restrictions in place to strict lockdown measures, impacting severely all our respective businesses.

In this context, most of our employees, in France and internationally, are now working from home, and all the necessary tools have been put in place to ensure the continuity of our services in the best possible way. Despite a response time that maybe longer than usual due to the partial activity measures implemented, all your regular contacts remain at your disposal, by either phone or email.

Maintaining your certifications is our number one concern.

That is why it became immediately clear to us that it was essential to adapt and cover the impossibility of carrying out on-site audits. To do so, we have taken the necessary steps, in agreement with the relevant authorities, to ensure that our audits, during this exceptional period, can be carried out remotely when possible, while ensuring confidentiality and security.

Our teams remain at your disposal to further clarify the process as well as the conditions of eligibility, applicable to these audits. As the crisis situation will unfortunately continue over the coming weeks, we can only encourage you to adopt the remote audits in order to preserve your certifications. In this regard, we invite you to read our article.

As an essential element for the supply of organic products to the markets, the issuing of so-called "inspection or transaction certificates" (IC/TC) is of course fully ensured and we are pleased to note that both the frequency and volume of trade remain steady.

We wish to express how proud we are, today more than ever, to be at your side. The sustainable and socially responsible practices that you are implementing and that we are auditing, and the solidarity shown by all the organic, fair trade and responsible sectors we work with are, despite the difficult times the world is experiencing, the early signs of a new spring for our society.

Thanking you once again for the trust you have placed in us, I can personally assure you of the full commitment of Ecocert's teams to continue meeting your needs the best possible way.

Philippe THOMAZO
Directeur général du groupe Ecocert

Durant le confinement, nos spécialistes de la formation à distance mettent à votre disposition des modules de formation gratuits sur la plateforme dédiée d’Ecocert :

Les fondamentaux de l’agriculture biologique
Les fondamentaux de la RSE
Les fondamentaux du commerce équitable
Les fondamentaux de la cosmétique naturelle et biologique

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